You have access to a vast wisdom that is the intelligence of life itself


I believe that what the world needs is sovereign beings, who can navigate the many challenges of life with clarity, humility, and purpose.

The core focus of my work is to support you to connect with your innate wisdom to heal and transform from the inside out.

I work primarily with Breathwork, Embodiment, and Coaching, as they facilitate the reconnection of the heart, body, and mind to this innate wisdom.

The modalities I offer are learned as you work with me so that you can use them on your own to empower your life and this world.

My work is also Trauma and IFS-informed. You can read more about my work and my journey here.

“I think the most important thing we need to hear is the voice inside us which connects us to all beings and to the whole web of life. That is needed now to counteract the crippling of the modern self.” - Joanna Macy


Experience the full potential of this work with a one-to-one session

You will be held and supported to heal your past, release limiting beliefs, and supported to access your innate wisdom to heal yourself from the inside out. You will be introduced to the techniques and have an opportunity to practice and ask any questions. You will then be guided and supported through a full session. There is then plenty of time at the end for integration and to share your experience.

Get the support you need to live your life fully

With One-to-One & Group Programs Designed to Empower You to Re-Connect with Your Soul

A deep commitment to healing and transformation

One-to-one Program

Free yourself from past limitations and empower your future by learning to breathe energy as well as air for healing and transformation on all levels of your being

Install new life-affirming practices & habits

One-to-one & Group Program

Release mental, physical, and emotional blocks, beliefs, and past limitations, to install new pathways to empower your breathing, moving, living, and being in daily life

Build a deep connection with the Elements inside & out

One-to-one & Group Program

Reconnect with the elemental forces of Nature inside your body and in the world around you by breathing and moving intentionally with Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Ether

“I felt like every session was intimately tailored to me and my path, which is a testament to Ben’s sensitivity and wisdom. I felt incredibly safe, supported, and nurtured by him, and I am continually blown away by his capacity to hold space for everything. I have recovered a new sense of freedom and have found greater alchemy with all aspects of my being.”

- Riss, Performance Artist

Upcoming Events

“Until you make the unconscious conscious it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” - Carl Jung

Book a Free Discovery Call

If you can not see a suitable time please contact me to book