
Movement Medicine & Ecstatic Dance

Embodiment practices support you to be in direct relationship with your physical body, sensations, feelings, and emotions that are stored there.

When we bring movement and awareness to our bodies and also to our hearts and minds, we awaken to parts of us that have been shut down and come into a deeper relationship with ourselves and each other. This is a powerful path to truly stepping into our greatest potential in life, as we can release many of the old patterns, emotions, and beliefs that have been stored in our system and open to new possibilities. 

I’m a qualified Movement Medicine teacher and facilitator as well as an Ecstatic Dance DJ. Movement Medicine is a powerful embodiment practice that combines many elements and processes, all to support you in gaining a deeper connection to your body, breath, and earth beneath your feet. Ecstatic Dance is a music-led free-form dance practice that connects dancers to themselves and each other in a safe and supportive space.

As a Movement Medicine professional, I’ve been on a long journey of self-healing through all the workshops that are a pre-requisite to becoming a teacher, as well as the Apprenticeship program and 18 months as an Apprentice teacher and facilitator. Because of this extensive training in Movement Medicine, which took me 7 years to complete, I know that the space I hold is a reflection of my own journey of embodiment and healing and means I can authentically guide others on their own journey based on my own deep experience of the work.

I hold regular dances at various locations across the UK and I also hold workshops where you can journey more deeply with Movement Medicine practices. These are often held as part of a retreat or in weekend workshops. To find out more about these deeper dives into Movement Medicine or to book me please contact me.

Movement Medicine Mandala

The mandala is at the center of the Movement Medicine practice. It has 21 stations which represent different aspects of the human experience and the forces that hold and support us.

The 21 stations are:


Are represented by the 4 directions and central wings


Are represented by the lower 5 circles


Are represented by the upper 9 circles

The PHOENIX is at the center as the alchemy of all these aspects.

Breathe, Dance & Be Inspired

Medicine Dance is my own unique offering where Movement Medicine meets Ecstatic Dance. Combining the best of these embodiment practices into this unique way of moving, dancing, and being.

These mixes are both facilitated and unfacilitated for you to move and dance to as you feel and you will the most out of them if you focus on the intention for each dance.

You can listen to and dance via the embedded player on this page or you can visit my Soundcloud page for all my mixes here.

Here’s some guidance to support you to get the most out of these dance journeys. Welcoming you to this dance with all it means to be you, just as you are.

This is a space to let your body, heart, and mind lead you in movement. Expressing anything that needs to be expressed in the dance as well as resourcing and nourishing yourself. It's not about dancing or looking a certain way, it's about letting your body guide you.

  • Firstly be sure to have a clear area where you can dance.

  • There is a spacious beginning to warm up and Awaken the Dancer.

  • Then there are multiple deep dives into heavy basslines and multi-genre rhythms and flows.

  • Towards the end, the tempo comes down to support the integration and digestion of the journey.

  • At the end there are a few minutes of silence, this time is for you to receive the echo of the dance journey and fully land the medicine of you back in your body and life.